sabato 1 novembre 2014

Preside russo finisce nei guai per software pirata

I procuratori accusano Ponosov, preside di una scuola media nella regione di Perm, di aver violato la proprietàintellettuale di Microsoft, utilizzando nella sua scuola computer che contenevano copie non licenziate del software dell’azienda di Redmond.
Naturalmente Microsoft non ha accolto la richiesta di clemenza avanzata da Gorbaciov, la risposta è stata:
Il caso di Ponosov riguarda un reato penale avviato e indagato dalla magistratura russa - si legge nella nota - Siamo certi che le corti russe prenderanno le decisioni appropriate»..

La notizia completa è visulaizzabile dal sito

A new Ubuntu release, Stefuntu

The Stefuntu Linux distro has been released and you can download and share with everyone you want the new release based on Ubuntu and like the Linux experience.

L'Inter e' di una mediocrita' assurda

Della fantastica Inter di Zanetti ed Ibrahimovic restano briciole, il dopo Moratti rappresentato da Zohir non dimostrano altro come la squadra sia ormai di basso livello, scarsita' di idee e soldi soprattutto, un parco giocatori non piu' all'altezza di competere in Europa e ci si accontenta di vagare per il centro classifica e sperare in un posto in Europa League. Squadre come Inter, Fiorentina ed altre dimostrano come la Serie A conti poco nel senso che non ci sono soldi da investire e l'attenzione ormai e' tutta verso la Premier League e Bundesliga sempre piu' in ascesa.

Attenti alle bufale

Su Internet da un po' di tempo circolano post di questo tipo:

In questi giorni nelle aree di parcheggio e nei distributori di benzina alcune persone vi regalano gratis portachiavi per la macchina o la moto,
Al loro interno c'è un microchip che segnala la vostra presenza in casa, quando uscite loro sono al corrente di dove vi troviate in quel preciso momento e possono entrare nella vostra abitazione senza preoccupazioni.
Questa è l'ultima pensata di alcuni malviventi dell'Est Europa per fare furti nelle nostre case. Da fonte sicura.....



Attenzione in questi giorni vengono distribuiti dei portachiavi da essere agganciati all'interno della vostra auto; le persone ve li offrono gratuitamente presso i parcheggi o i distributori di carburante....NON accettateli...essi contengono un microchip all'interno del gadget. Questi delinquenti poi vi seguono fino a casa e vengono a conoscenza dei vostri movimenti per poi effettuare intrusioni e furti. Secondo la Polizia, si tratta di bande di Rumeni.

Bene, che ci crediate oppure no trattasi di bufale online, ci sembra arduo pensare che ladri o ladruncoli regalino pseudo elettronici gadget con microchip e gps incorporati da seguirvi poi e per rubarvi un giorno, vabbe' ormai con la tecnologia siamo un po' tutti Diabolik e James Bond ed e' sempre bene stare in guardia contro i ladri ma sempre col sorriso che non tutto cio' che passa internet e' allarmistico, da paura. Bufala, archiviata.

sabato 7 giugno 2014

These guys reinvented the prog rock

The Anathema with the progessive rock back in vogue, their music is very reminiscent of some of the 70's rock and Radiohead. The atmospheres are no longer 'gloomy or dark, there is so much joy and positivity in their new songs rather than in the past when the sadness was always their matter but we are talking about the doom metal age, ages ago, at all. With their latest album Distant Satellites reach the peak and the trilogy of lost songs proves it. It is a shame that the media does not talk much about this band, but still so snubbed but every time they go around the world touring fans go crazy with love and joy for Danny and Vincent and the beautiful voice of Lee Douglas. Satellites distance, hard to love, to listen to.

domenica 25 agosto 2013

That Fucking Scam In Your Mail Box

Be aware to this rubbish into your mail box because they are scam 101% if someone send you lottery prize emails from BBC, Honda and other famous makes. I got this rubbish claiming I won a lottery prize from Honda, the important japanese car make and how to claim the prize I have to email or call their offices in London, they are asking for my details how to scam me in some ways, ofcourse. SCAM!!!!!

This is the fake scam lottery promotion email

Welcome to the official site of the Honda Seasons Promotions. 2013.

European Region Office:
10B Canada Square,
London HP1 8HFD,
Ref: 475061725
Batches: 7056490902/188

we happily announce to you the draw of the Honda Lottery Promotions for the year 2012/2013 at our Lotto Draw Headquarters London, United Kingdom organized by Honda. This is to inform you that you have won prize money of GBP £355,000.00 (Three hundred and Fifty five thousand, Great Britain Pounds Sterling).

Honda Promo Inc. arranged and gathered some of all the e-mail addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to all Email Providers most especially Gmail Yahoo, Hotmail, Rediffmail and etc, we only selected Twenty (20) candidates per annually as our winners through Electronic Balloting System (EBS) without the candidate applying, we congratulate you for being one of our lucky winners.

We are sorry that your Payment Approval File was sent to London due to we have 3 lucky winners in United Kingdom so that you can be cleared and paid simultaneously there. You are to contact our UK Location Claim Office on or before your date of Claim.
Honda Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 7days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won.
Note: Any prize not claimed within this period (7 days) will be forfeited.
These are your identification numbers:
Ticket number: 00545 188 564756,
Prize # 77801209/UK,
Winning Number:4634553/N,
Serial number 5368/02
Lucky numbers: 17 98 09 67 46

Simply contact our Customer Service Information Headquarters (CSIH Department),
Send this following information to the CSIH Department immediately for further procession.
1 Full Name:
2 Cell phone:
3 Contact Address:
4 Age:
5 Occupation:
6 Sex:
7 Country:


Proofs and reviews about Honda Lottery Promotion

Bayern Munich, I Love It

domenica 18 agosto 2013

Russian Scam

Hello,how are you ?
we talk on Badoo,
my real name is Polina,
i did not put it to the site because
some men asked me for nudes and i am scary.
when i got your message here in my email,
i hope you are right man,
hows your week goes ?
will try tell you about myself now.
i live in Russia and i had to change my location
on the site because of such results depends on what
location you put there,i am looking for the man abroad
so i did not get it from Russia.
I live in the city named Angarsk,
i am 30 years old,5'6 tall,not too old for you  ?
just joking :)
120 lbs weigh,blond,extremely beautiful(i look younger than
ladies of my age),no kids,just divorced last year.
what is about you ?
I work as dentist for last 7 years in private clinic,
what is about you ? what do you do for living ?
I do not smoke and drink(only little bit),never took
any kind of drugs so i look like younger.
my birthday is 1st of February.
and when is your birthday  ?
what is your favorite season ?

Let me know if you belive in destiny ?

P.S Little snow for your Hot Summer :)

The best post rock ever is in Iceland

The Sigur Ros are the best famous followers of Talk Talk did before and their post rock is here to show us how much good was that music in the 80's and 90's.

The Talk Talk invented the Post Rock

Who could believe that, The Talk Talk after the pop hits Such A Shame and others easy listening songs, in the 1988 they turned into a sperimental rock they called post rock and this genre of music was the leit motiv of many bands in the 90's and present like Radiohead, Sigur Ros, etc